What Happens if You Run Your AC Without a Filter?

Without a filter, the condensate drain will not be able to drain moisture from the air conditioning unit. This will result in condensation buildup in the Freon tube, causing water damage to the entire system.


, your HVAC system can operate without a filter, but it is not advisable to do so for more than six hours. Doing so can blow dirty air into your home or office and risk damaging the unit.

The longer you leave your air conditioner running without a filter, the more likely you are to have problems with indoor air quality. As a result, you or others in your household may experience increased symptoms of allergy, respiratory problems, eye irritation, or irritation of the nose and throat. Without a filter, dirt and debris are sucked into the air conditioning system and transported back to your home, remaining and accumulating in the HVAC ducts. This can reduce air quality and potentially damage the HVAC system, resulting in costly repairs or replacements.

A dirty filter forces the HVAC unit to work harder than normal because it finds it more difficult to draw air. The broader purpose of your air cleaner is to clean the air in your home and keep your air conditioning system free of dust and dirt. If the AC filter is not replaced, dust, dirt, and other air debris will obstruct the air flow of the air conditioner unit. That said, running your air conditioner without a filter for more than 6 to 8 hours can cause serious damage to your air conditioning system and significantly reduce the air quality in your home.

Because dirt, dust, dander, and other particles in the air can damage an air conditioner, air filters are needed to act as a barrier to the air conditioner. Frozen evaporator coils prevent the air conditioning unit from pulling back the air conditioner, so your home or office may still feel warm even if you change the thermostat to the lowest possible setting. With the right air filter in place, you can prevent these contaminants and more from reaching the air conditioner. Broken or broken filters could allow debris or contaminants to pass into the air conditioner and cause damage to the machine.

Having a clogged air conditioning filter requires your air conditioning unit to work too hard at its regular job. Everything from pets to guests, leaking air ducts and vacuuming can increase pollutants in your home. The main purpose of an air conditioning filter is to clean the air circulating in the air conditioning system. Common problems with an AC include increased electricity bills, poor cooling performance or no cooling at all. Research has shown that many homes and commercial spaces have air that is more polluted than outdoor environments.

With this knowledge and access to high-quality filters, you no longer have to risk damaging your AC system or jeopardizing your health by running it without a filter.

Cheri Baldinger
Cheri Baldinger

Subtly charming problem solver. Subtly charming twitter expert. Lifelong travel fanatic. Explorer. Extreme social media specialist. Wannabe internet fan.

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